Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Suffering Adult Child

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This is so unfortunate for so many. I can tell the pain is unbearable for you to watch your daughter and grandchildren suffer. We are praying for you and your family and stand firm in the belief that God is good regardless of the circumstances. The immediate need that needs to be addressed is their safety. I'm concerned, as I know you are, about a pregnant mother of 3 young children being in isolation for long periods of time. I would encourage you to talk to your pastor if you are affilaited with a church for spiritual and practical guidance. Keep the lines of communication open, very open, with your daughter. Express your concerns over her safety. I know it seems unsurmountable when resources are limited, but let me encourage you to continue praying for her. Ask her to accompany you if you do speak with your pastor. Remind her that although it may not look like it now, if she's serious about turning her life over to the Lord - He will not leave her side. He will walk her through these turbulant times and direct her paths. He will bring her out of the darkness in His time and according to His will. Please know that I am praying for you, as are the other mentors. She is so fortunate to have a mother that is this concerned over her well-being. God will honor that, just keep lifting her and your precious grandchildren up to Him.

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