Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I’m glad to hear you say you are struggling with this. This tells me you know what you find yourself in the middle of is not the best for you. There is not a gray area here; stealing is wrong. God commands obedience. Be careful not to buy into what the world is telling you. I hear you say it is “almost accepted.” It’s not. If that were the case, laws would be changed and what you are doing would no longer be criminal nor would you have anything to feel guilty about. If stealing is what it takes to impress a boy, then I have to question his character. His primary thoughts are not for your benefit; if they were then he would encourage you to stop and even be willing to risk losing the relationship if you refused. Look farther down the line . . . if your relationship with him includes theft as the foundation, what substance is there? If you are untrustworthy now, which is the bottom line when you choose to steal, why would he trust you later? The same can be said for him – if this is what it takes to impress him now, what will it take later? If you truly desire to impress, don’t set the bar so low. Be a young woman of excellence – choose righteousness. If you are involved in your local church, let me encourage you to go to your pastor. If you are not actively involved in a church now, get plugged into one. We are so fortunate to live in a country where churches are on every corner – find one. Surround yourself with friends that have character and want to stand apart for the right reasons, ones that will lift you up and encourage you. Stop the behavior, repent, and ask God to help you when the temptation arises. And be prepared, because the temptation will come and the only way you can fight it is with the help of the One who has already overcome evil. How exciting to know that the reason you are struggling is because God Himself is wooing you back to Him. The Holy Spirit stands ready to fight for you if you will let Him. Bury your face in His word, thank Him for forgiveness. If you have a relationship with your parents that allows it, talk to them. Tell them what has been going on in your life and let them help you. Ask for their advice and let them know you desire to change. Make restitution wherever possible, but I don’t suggest you do this alone. Again seek guidance from your parents or pastor. God has so much more in store for you and it is quite possible the reason you don’t feel the way you should is because you are being held in bondage by sin. I will be praying for you as I expect great things for you.

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