Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dealing with the consequences of premarital sex

There are so many things in life that we have no control over. We are plagued daily with images of natural disasters, world hunger and poverty, diseases, molestation . . . But God, in His sovereignty, allows us to choose. He allows us to choose to live for Him or against Him. There is no doubt His heart breaks when He sees the beauty He created being hidden behind the shadow of evil. When another infant is left orphaned because AIDS has no discrimination, He weeps. When cancer takes a young mother away from her small children, His heart is torn in two. When a child is robbed of her innocence at the hand of someone she trusts, He mourns. But equally as heartbreaking is to watch someone who is as beautiful as the very first sunset He put in motion choose death over life. Thankfully, His mercies are new every morning. If you have come to Him with a repentant spirit, you can take comfort in knowing your sin has been forgiven. But He is also a God of expectations. I pray that you take this opportunity to examine what direction you really want your life to go. It is obvious that excessive drinking and unprotected sex with a non-believer is not the path you had in mind. Choose not to walk it. Use God’s word as a lamp to your feet to guide your every step. I suggest you pray for this man, but consider doing so from a distance. Let your life reflect the image of Christ. If you have faith in God, then stand on it and don’t waiver from it. If Christ is to be the center of all of your relationships, then be upfront with this man about it. Hopefully, he’ll see a transformation in you that he too will want. I pray for both of you as you make choices that may be difficult but necessary. Let me encourage you to stay in His word and pray continually. Seek His face when making decisions about the direction you are heading. Trust Him to be good to you – because without fail He will be.

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